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Drill Baby Drill


Crude reality 'Drill baby Drill'


Crude oil prices are trending up. Crude generally doesn't get much attention when the price is under $80. When the price is between the comfort zone - $70 to $80 Dollars - both the OPEC cartel and the consumers are happy to pump and go.


As you well know when it gets above the $80 Dollar mark, the least qualified people among us 'the politicians' start talking, the Solar panels get hot, and the Wind mills start making the whizzing noise.


Now the oil is skirting with the upper price range, we believe its time to Drill, NO, we are not talking about Drill baby Drill. We are talking about the Drilling stocks.


Drillers took a big hit mostly because of the uncertain regulatory climate, we believe they are primed to make a huge come back. Historical price correlation suggest that the Crude gonna lift the Drillers. Its time to claim a little oil patch before the sector gets too hot.


Source: EIA, OECD, OPEC, OxBridgeResearch. PennyStockMonster, OTCking.

Category: O&G, Crude Oil, Drillers, Refiners.