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Clean Power Concepts' solution is an aggregator of renewable energy products. It bought a small company called General Bio Energy. General Bio operates as a subsidiary and has manufacturing plants and facilities located in Saskatchewan, Canada.


General Bio Energy 

General Bio Energy Inc. has solidified their position as an industry leader in the emerging renewable fuel and energy business in North America with a host of recent triumphs, including the launch of their MOPO Brand of fuels, fuel conditioners, and environmentally friendly canola based additives and lubricants such as chain lube, cutting oil, and penetrating fluids. They have recently been featured by Saskbusiness Magazine, BNN, BBI, and Ethanol Production Magazine, as well as being the subject of several feature articles highlighting the success of the business and their ability to capture their market and emerge as a significant force in the bio-oil industry.

High Value Foods
The world eats more meat protein than ever before, and the amount of protein consumed is growing daily. As a case study, over the 30 year period from 1960 to 1990, consumption of meat protein in Japan rose by 360%. Today China and Brazil lead the world in the growth of the consumption of protein.The average resident of a developing country ate 11kg of meat per year in the mid 1970’s, but that number rose to 23kg by the mid 1990’s. Over that time period, every 1% increase in income levels corresponded to a 2% increase in spending on protein sources. This translates into a $100 Billion dollar market for protein sources. GBE is poised to capitalize on this rapidly growing market.

General Bio Energy holds a patent for a fish food based on a VEGETABLE PROTEIN. This fish food is a byproduct of our grain processing facilities and is used in fish farms to raise healthy, protein rich fish for human consumption. The fish farming, or aquaculture, industry has grown at a rate of 9% per annum since the early 1950s.

This same patented process can also be used to produce high quality pet foods (a $20 billion market in North America alone) and the production of feed for livestock.

Spirit Of Health
Using our patented oil extraction technology and industry knowledge we are also poised to enter the lucrative market of nutraceuticals. Many of the primary agricultural products that pass though the facilities at General Bio Energy can be easily converted or processed into essential oils for the health and nutritional supplements market and the health and beauty market. To date, we have developed:

Flax Oil Omega 3 Capsules
Flax Meal Capsules
Gourmet Camelina Food Oil
Camelina Oil Omega 3, 6, and Vitamin E capsules

As consumers turn to supplements to stay healthy in a hectic world, the supplement market is growing rapidly. Annual growth levels in the industry have climbed from 5.5% annually in 2007 to 7.5% in 2009, totaling $9.4 billion dollars in US sales for the 2009 calendar year and a global market roughly three times that size.

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