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China Pharma, CPHI, Profile, Summary


China Pharma| CPHI| Profile| Summary

China Pharma, CPHI, is a specialty pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and markets generic and brand pharmaceutical products for both western and traditional Chinese medicines in China. Currently, the company’s main focus for its therapeutics includes CNS, cardiovascular, cerebro-vascular, wound recovery, digestive disease, and infectious diseases. Its products are sold in 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. The Company has 16 sales offices and approximately 680 proxy agents in the whole country.

China Pharma is located in the tax-free industrial zone of Haikou, Hainan Province, with manufacturing facility of 8,000 square meters. The Company is equipped with eight GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice) certified production lines and has the capacity to produce drugs in a variety of delivery mechanisms including freeze dried(lyophilized injectables), capsules, tablets, granules, injectables, and oral fluids(suspension). The company is positioning itself to benefit from China’s rapidly growing pharmaceutical market as it expands its product portfolio.


Research & Development

China Pharma develops generic products based on market demand by combining internal product development, strategic alliances with partners and collaborations of its products and businesses. The Company targets off-patent drugs with cumulative global sales over $1billion. Under Chinese law, China Pharma is able to obtain exclusivity protection for three or more years for new generics it brings to market. The disease areas China Pharma is currently focusing on are: neurology, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease, hyperglycemia and diabetes , hypertension, and infectious diseases. China Pharma has built strong research and development partnerships with the following elite institutions in China and retains the ownership rights to all resulting intellectual property of products.


Modern Manufacturing Facilities

China Pharma has scalable GMP-certified manufacturing facilities with eight different modern production lines. These facilities passed the GMP-certification when it was first introduced in 2003 and passed the latest round in 2008. The GMP-certification is repeated every five years.

In 2008 the Company invested $3.0 million to increase capacity of the dry powder line. China Pharma’s cutting edge production lines can manufacture products in the following forms of delivery: tablets; capsules; injectables; granules; oral fluids (suspension); and freeze dried (lyophilized injectables). Its production capacity fully satisfies the needs of the current portfolio.


-The company received GMP certification in 2003
→ - Recognized as “The Best Enterprise for Storing SARS Medicine” by Hainan Food and Drug Administration.

-Received national key new products certificate for Buflomedil Hydrochloride by the State Science and Technology Department, State Taxation Bureau, Ministry of Commerce, State Bureau of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and State Environmental Protection Bureau.

-Designated as key technology project in Hainan for Buflomedil Hydrochloride by

Haikou Municipality.


Source: China Pharma, OxBridge Research, Daily Stock Deals, OTC King, PSM


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