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IPO with Walmart connection! GDOT


Dot your 'i's Green

IPO with Walmart connection!


The largest Prepaid Debit-Card provider in the nation operating out of Walmart stores nationwide, Green Dot, is expected to go public tomorrow on the NYSE under the symbol GDOT.


It could be a very interesting and perhaps lucrative offering for investors because the float is very small just four million shares and Walmart will retain over 30% stake in the company. Since the float is so small don't expect big hedge funds to accumulate big chunk of stock, their interest, however, could drive up the stock price.


Prepaid Debit Card use is on the rise, many Americans who lost their credit cards in the current economic turmoil find Prepaid Debit Cards very helpful, and the security conscious consumers are increasingly turning to prepaid debit cards for online shopping.


Green Dot purchased a small bank recently that would help expand its product offering and reduce the processing fee. The company said to have made money during these tough economic conditions and its share of Prepaid Debit-Cards will continue to rise because of the Walmart connection.


Source: WSJ , OxBridgeResearch, PennyStockMonster, OTCking

Category: Banking, Prepaid Credit Cards, Prepaid Debit Cards,
