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2 Small Caps you don't want to miss, VLNC, MOVE


Power Picks for Tuesday 07-19-2011

MOVE - Move, operates an online network of Web sites for real estate search, finance, and moving and home enthusiasts in North America.

The company operates, a Web site that offers property listings and tools designed to assist the customers in understanding the value of their home, preparing the home for sale. Very Attractive, keep an eye.


VLNC - Valence Technology, manufactures high-energy power systems. The company primarily offers U-Charge energy storage system, a suite of products based on proprietary lithium iron magnesium phosphate technology.

Its products are used in hybrid and full electric vehicles, wheelchairs, scooters, robotics, marine, remote power, military, back-up, and other devices. Very Attractive, must be on your list.

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