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Two Junior Gold Mining stocks, PZG, EGI deserve a second look


Hot Stocks to Watch, Wednesday 09-14-2011

These two Junior Gold miners with Gold and Silver properties spanning the globe are getting lot of attention from investors. These two (PZG and EGI) have properties scattered around the world, from Peru to Mongolia and the Gold Belt of Nevada.

We believe our members should take a close look at both of them. The unending European financial crisis now hitting at the core, Europe's Largest Banking institution with huge East European exposure are experiencing difficulty raising short term dollar funds. The European banking crisis and our unemployment situation could keep the metal glittering for a long time.

PZG- Paramount Gold and Silver, an exploration stage mining company has properties in Mexico and the United States. The company holds 100% interest in the San Miguel project located in Chihuahua, Northern Mexico and several properties in Nevada.

EGI -Entree Gold has properties in Mongolia, the United States, Peru, and Australia. Its principal properties include the Lookout Hill property, in the South Gobi region of Mongolia; and Ann Mason copper-molybdenum property in Nevada.

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