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Darkest Day on Wall Street, Market Down 600 Points, 2 Solar Stocks Shining, find out why


DOW lost 300 points, two days in a row, Billions of Dollars just vanished, looks like we are heading back to DOW 10k again!


We ask our members to be extremely cautious! Stay away from the market, however, those of you who couldn't resist regardless of the market condition, we found two stocks that share your bright and sunny disposition!


YGE - Yingli Green Energy engages in the design,, manufacture and installation of photovoltaic (PV) products. The company also offers its integrated PV systems directly to end-users and to contractors. Very Attractive, low cost manufacturing advantage, keep an eye!


TSL - Trina Solar manufactures, and sells photovoltaic (PV) modules worldwide. The company offers monocrystalline PV modules ranging from 165 watts to 185 watts in power output; and multicrystalline PV modules ranging from 215 watts to 240 watts in power output that provide electric power for residential and industrial applications. Very Attractive, low cost producer, keep an eye!


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