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3 High Value Natural Resources Stocks you don't wanna miss, 10-07-2011


GURE - Gulf Resources, is a large very diversified chemical product manufacturer. Its product has many industrial and commercial use, including, oil and gas exploration, water treatment and paper industry. Gulf Resources is based in China.


ANO - Anooraq Resources, engages in the mining, exploration, and development of platinum group metals (PGM) properties. The company primarily explores for platinum, palladium, rhodium, gold, nickel, and copper ores. Anooraq is based in South Africa.


CDY - Cardero Resource a mining company with properties in Mexico, Peru, Argentina, the United States, and Canada. The company holds a 75% interest in the Carbon Creek deposit, a metallurgical coal project located in the Peace River Coal Field in Canada. Cardero is based in Canada.

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