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Hot Biotech Stocks to Watch CXM, NGSX


CXM - Cardium Therapeutics, focuses on the acquisition and development of biomedical product companies. Its investment portfolio includes the Tissue Repair Company and Cardium Biologics, which are medical technology companies primarily focused on the development of therapeutic products for wound healing, bone repair, and cardiovascular indications.

Cardium has several drugs in Phase II and at least one in Phase III in addition the company received FDA clearance to market topical wound gel. Very Attractive, must be on your list.


NGSX- NeurogesX, a biopharmaceutical company, focuses on developing and commercializing pain management therapies. Its lead product includes Qutenza (capsaicin) 8% patch, a non-narcotic analgesic formulated dermal delivery system containing an 8% concentration of synthetic capsaicin. Capsaicin is released from the patch into the skin during application without significant absorption of capsaicin into the bloodstream.

 The FDA and European Union has approved marketing of Qutenza for neuropathic pain. Very Attractive, Bouncing Back from 52WK LOWS.

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Last Updated - Monday, 17 October 2011