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50 cent Nasdaq stocks, GSAT, ARWR, penny stocks on Nasdaq


GSATGlobalstar provides mobile voice and data communications services through satellite worldwide. The company offers various communications services, including fixed voice and data satellite communications services; and satellite data modem services for asset-tracking applications.

Global Star sells its products primarily to government, public safety and disaster relief agencies, oil and gas; maritime and mining industry. It operates approximately 34 in-orbit satellites and 25 ground stations. Very interesting, Bouncing Back from 52WK LOWS.


ARWR - Arrowhead Research a nanomedicine company, developing therapeutic products at the interface of biology and nanoengineering to cure disease and improve human health. It focuses on commercializing and licensing various nanotechnology products and applications, including anti-cancer RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics,

The company has developed a nanoparticle-based drug delivery system for siRNA, which is in clinical trials. Development stage company with huge potential, Bouncing back from 52WK LOWS.

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