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Hot Stocks to Watch INO, OXGN 10-26-2011


OXGNOxiGENE is a biopharmaceutical company, develops novel therapeutics to treat cancer and eye diseases. It primarily focuses on the development of vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) that disable and destroy abnormal blood vessels, which provide solid tumors a means of growth and survival, as well as associate with visual impairment in various ophthalmological diseases and conditions.

OXiGENE has several drugs in Phase 1 and Phase II as well as a strategic collaboration agreement with Symphony Capital Partners. Very Attractive, Medium to Long term, keep an eye!


INO - Inovio Pharmaceuticals is developing a DNA vaccines with a focus on cancers and infectious diseases. The company?s SynCon technology enables the design of DNA-based vaccines capable of providing cross-protection against new, unmatched strains of pathogens, such as influenza. Very Attractive, Keep an Eye!

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