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Big Bounce Back Plays, BIOF,DCTH,GTIV,EK, 10-28-2011


GTIV - Gentiva Health Services, provides home health services and hospice care in the United States. The company offers skilled nursing and therapy services, paraprofessional nursing services, and homemaker services primarily to adult and elderly patients through licensed and Medicare-certified agencies. Look for Huge Bounce Back, Keep a very close Eye!


BIOF - BioFuel Energy produces Ethanol and its co-products in the United States. The company offers dried and wet distillers grains with solubles, and carbon dioxide. It operates two ethanol production facilities located in Wood River, Nebraska and Fairmont, Minnesota with a combined production capacity of approximately 220 million gallons.

BioFuel Energy (BIOF) and Pacific Ethanol (PEIX) are the only two large remaining Ethanol producers in the country. BioFuels in bouncing back, keep an eye.

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