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Hot Stocks to Watch ICAD, GRH 11-03-2011


ICAD iCAD provides image analysis and workflow solutions that enable radiologists and other healthcare professionals to identify pathologies and pinpointing cancer earlier. It offers computer aided detection (CAD) solutions for digital and film-based mammography systems, including SecondLook systems, which analyze the data, and automatically identifies and marks suspicious regions in the images.

The company also offers The SecondLook Digital communication system, SecondLook 300 and SecondLook 200 products, which provide cancer detection at smaller facilities.

The TotalLook MammoAdvantage system, which converts mammography films to digital images delivering high resolution digitized images. Very Attractive, under valued, must be on your list.


GRH - GreenHunter Energy provides Water Management Solutions to oil and gas operators who are active in the Marcellus, Eagle Ford and Bakken shale plays. Green Hunter has years of experience helping improve efficiencies and lower costs of handling, recycling, hauling and disposing of produced water and frac flowback.

Water and Chemicals used in fracking is a major environmental concern, Green Hunter is poised to benefit from the rapidly growing Shale Gas industry. Very Attractive, keep an eye!

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