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Stocks to Watch: TRID,Trident Microsystems, GRVY, Gravity


TRID - Trident Microsystems provides semiconductor solutions for the digital home entertainment market. It designs, develops, and markets integrated circuits and related software for processing, displaying, transmitting audio and images in home consumer electronics applications, such as digital TVs, PC and set-top boxes.

The company's main customers are (OEM) Original Equipment Manufacturers. Trident has a large customer base. Very Attractive, Bouncing back from 52WK Lows, keep an eye!


GRVY - Gravity is a developer and publisher of online games. The company has strong presence in Asia, Brazil and Russia. It offers massively multiplayer online role playing games, casual online games, social network games, mobile games, and animation and character-based merchandise, as well as multiplatform and Internet protocol television games. Very Attractive.

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