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Hyper Solar, HYSR.OB, Profile, Summary


Simple Brilliance!

Hyper Solar turning Water into Natural Gas


Hyper Solar (HYSR) Inspired by photosynthetic processes this small emerging company has patented a process to turn water into natural gas, according to the press release. The company says unlike other approaches to hydrogen and methane production that may require high temperature and high-pressure systems their process occurs at normal pressure and temperature. CO2 + 4H2 –> CH4 + 2H2O

Abundant Free Fuel and Cheap Reactors: Hyper Solar Reactors are simple and could be built at low cost on vacant, non-productive land, producing massive amounts of carbon neutral methane that can be piped into the existing natural gas infrastructure for everyday use in homes, power plants, factories, and vehicles. 

Additionally the byproducts extracted from waste-water can be used to make chemicals further reduce the production cost of renewable natural gas. HYSR is trading around $0.06 Cents and the company's Market Cap is under $10 Million Dollars. Highly Speculative, Short Term trading opportunity.

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