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ENDURA is The 'KODAK' moment for Eastman KODAK, EK


ENDURA could be The 'KODAK' Moment for EK


Eastman Kodak – EK - provides imaging technology products and services to the photographic and graphic communications markets worldwide. It has three divisions, Consumer Digital Imaging Group (CDG); Film and Entertainment Group (FPEG); and Graphic Communications Group (GCG).


We strongly believe ENDURA could be the 'KODAK' moment investors have been looking for!




KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Premier Paper provides unique benefits by maintaining natural-looking skin tones, from highlights to shadows, while expanding color gamut, enabled by a technological breakthrough, the latest advancement in coupler technology. This innovation also provides a lighter/brighter D-Min for cleaner-looking whites, and at the same time a higher D-Max capability for bold rich blacks, better contrast and exceptional performance in typical home display.

More than 75 million people worldwide manage, share and create photo gifts online at KODAK Gallery-- at We see a huge potential and this could revive the company and the stock. Very, VERY, Attractive, Huge Patent portfolio, Medium-Long Term Play.

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