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BPAX shareholders wonder if there is a Gel for stock dysfunction!


Female Sexual Dysfunction

BPAX shareholders wonder if there is a Gel for stock dysfunction! 


HOW BIG is the problem? And, How common is it? According to a recent study, conducted by the University of Chicago and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it apparently is a huge problem. 43% of women (aged 18 to 59) said they have experienced some degree of sexual dysfunction.


A SMALL pharmaceutical company wants to change all that and want to level the playing field for Women!


BioSante, BPAX, a specialist pharmaceutical company focused on Female health, wants to exploit the huge potential market opportunity. Men spent a whopping $5 Billion Dollars on Erectile Dysfunction drugs in 2011, according to the NY Times.


BioSante's answer LibiGel LibiGel is a transdermal testosterone gel in development for the treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction – FSD -.

BioSante has completed two Phase III LibiGel safety and efficacy trials and is conducting a Phase III cardiovascular event and breast cancer safety study. The company is planning to submit a new drug application to the FDA by year-end 2012.


BioSante is an equal opportunity company, at least, when it comes to making money, so the company doesn't want to miss the rising demand from men.


For men BioSante is developing, Bio-T-Gel™ , a once-daily transdermal testosterone gel for the treatment of male hypogonadism, or low testosterone levels. Low testosterone affects more than 4 to 5 million men in the U.S, according to the company.


Is there are Gel for that?

stock holders wish there was one.

The Stock fell to the bottom gracelessly, still embarrassed and some what shameful, trading around its 52WK LOWS. We see a short to medium term bounce-back opportunity. Keep an eye.


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Last Updated - Wednesday, 18 January 2012