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STOP Bankers from looting Greek National Treasures NOW!


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Wednesday 06-15-11


Greek Debt concerns wiped out most of the gains from Yesterday. Greece will never be able to pay its Debt at the current terms, the expectations are unrealistic based on fictitious GNP growth models that will never materialize. Bankers turned predators trying to steal Greek peoples National Treasures for a song and, bury the common citizen in modern day Debt-Slavery for generations. This has to STOP!


Stocks to Watch


Despite sharp decline in the Market our Two Picks from yesterday are in the GREEN!

We still like MPET, we brought this company to your attention couple weeks ago, read more and [FACTCHECK]


ZBB - ZBB Energy Corporation provides energy storage solutions based on the proprietary zinc-bromide rechargeable electrical energy storage technology under ZESS POWR brand name. It also provides advanced electrical power management platforms for distributed renewable energy, energy efficiency, power quality, and grid modernization. Looks Great, keep an eye!

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