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U.S. Geothermal, HTM, Profile
U.S. Geothermal | HTM | Profile | Summary
Major Highlights
•Traded on NYSE: HTM and TSX: GTH
•Transitioned from development company to Independent Power Producer
•Proven management team
•10+years of successful project development and growth
→ 3 modern geothermal power plants, plus two advanced development projects
•65 MW gross generating capacity online during 2012
•Valuable, non-depleting energy from the earth
>>•Achieved positive net income, cash flow, and EBITDA
>>>2013 first year of sustainable earnings & cash flows
----->>>•Buying opportunity- Under valued stock
Vision: Building a sustainable, long-term clean
Management: Proven geothermal energy development and operating experience
Assets: Three operating geothermal power plants
•22 MW Neal Hot Springs plant Vale, Oregon •9 MW San Emidio plant near Reno, Nevada
•13 MW Raft River plant near Pocatello,Idaho.
Advanced development properties:
•El Ceibillo near Guatemala City Guatemala •San Emidio II near Reno, Nevada
Geothermal Power Background
•Produced by utilizing heat that naturally exists within the Earth’s crust
•National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) estimates that heat within 10,000 meters of earth’s surface is 50,000 times greater than energy that is available from petroleum and natural gas
•Geological anomalies create “shallow”reservoirs of geothermal fluids (steam and water) that can be economically exploited
•Typically reservoirs are 1,000 – 12,000 feet deep
•Geothermal fluids act as heat carriers. Those fluids are piped to the surface and used to drive turbine generators
•Geothermal fluid is reinjected to sustain reservoir pressure
•Geothermal power is renewable without significant output deterioration over time
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Sources: US Geothermal, OxBridgeResearch, OTCking, DailyStockDeal
Geothermal power, non depleting sources, renewable sources, renewable energy labs, geothermal power plants. Sustainable, bio energy